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7 Black Friday Tips for Service-Based Businesses

7 Black Friday Tips for Service Based Businesses and 5 most common black friday mistakes

The benefits of Black Friday for retailers is obvious but, if you are a service-based business, can you still benefit from Black Friday?


The answer is ‘yes, most definitely’. It just takes a bit more thought, and possibly more creative thinking, to link your service to Black Friday!


To give you a helping hand, here are 7 ways that service-based businesses can take advantage of Black Friday:


Put together service packages

Everyone loves a deal, so even if it’s only the smallest saving, or even something that you do anyway but you could class as an extra service, it could have big pulling power and give those, that have been meaning to use your service, a little push. Don’t forget to update your socials and website to advertise the packages..

Consider a Christmas gift option

This isn’t always something you can do, but since the pandemic especially, and now with the cost-of-living crisis, practical presents are becoming much more popular and much more appreciated. It may feel like a strange offering, but you never know how it could take off.  It’s definitely worth a try.

Make a noise on social media

Even though you might not be physically selling something, online or in a shop, you can still be vocal on social media. It’s just trying to add a festive twist on your usual service – this can be packages and Christmas offers or by simply ‘winterising’ your logo and website and uniform!

Use it as a reason to re-market

What we mean by this is simply getting back in touch with past customers. They key here, even if your service is not something that you may need again and again, is jogging people’s memory. If they don’t need you at this moment, they may definitely know someone who does and referral is the best form of promotion.

Run a competition or giveaway

If you are struggling to come up with an offer, incentive or package why not just go for some blatant publicity and run a competition in the name of Black Friday? Make sure you decide on what you like to achieve (eg increase social followers, recontact existing clients etc) so that you tailor the giveaway in your interests!

Offer a time-bound discount 

Come up with a discount offer specifically for Black Friday. Keeping it to a specific timeframe allows you to create a sense of urgency in your marketing. You can also include a ‘use by’ date too which can be beneficial if you are historically quiet over Christmas and January.

Reward your loyal customers

Again, this may not work for your business model, but Black Friday can be a perfect opportunity to reconnect with your long-term clients and show your appreciation. You could use any of the ideas above, or come up with a loyalty bonus that you give them in the name of Black Friday.

It is harder for service-based businesses, but there are definite Black Friday opportunities that can be used to spread the word and create some traction.


This year, Black Friday is on 25th November 2022. If you would like to talk through some ideas and get something prepared, drop us a message here

There’s still time!

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