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Top Tips for Working from Home

home working

With the COVID crisis, so many more of us are now working from home.


If you are new to it, like us, we’re sure you will agree that effective home working is a definitely a skill you have to learn (especially with the added challenge of partners, kids, pets, TV, playstation, the sunshine, House Party and even the washing!)


Here are some hints and tips that we found useful and thought may help keep us all focused and productive at this difficult time:

1. Create a workspace.

It’s great if you have a space you can close the door on but if you don’t, setting up a workstation where you have everything you need will help keep you focused and give your family a clear boundary.

2. Use your ‘commute’

Lockdown can feel like ‘Groundhog Day’ so why not use the time you used to spend getting to work doing something? Whether that’s going for a walk or spending time with your children or taking some time for yourself.

3. Follow a routine

Let’s be honest. This is a unique time so it is important to keep mentally well too so we’re not suggesting a ‘strict’ timetable, but keeping to a similar work routine will help your focus and efficiency.

4. Take proper breaks

It’s not normal circumstances so you’re not going to be able to work like you do at the office. Build breaks into schedule and leave your workspace. Change your scenery and recharge yourself.

5. Don’t be a stranger

BT used to say ‘It’s good to talk’ and it really is! You don’t work all day at the office not talking to anyone so you don’t have to do it on lockdown. Call your colleagues. Chat, share, discuss, (moan!).

6. Minimise distractions

Unfortunately distractions are just a part of homeworking. The key is controlling the ones you can. For example; ignoring social media, using headphones or turning your phone off if you don’t need it.

7. Set up to do lists

Like us, we’re sure you’ve also found that keeping focused is the hardest part. Keep a daily to do list and tick off items when you have completed them (& most importantly, stick to them!)

Everyone says the key to successful home working is self discipline and it all seems so simple written down like this, doesn’t it? The hard part, we know, is actually doing it, so we hope this is a useful reminder and motivation.


Good luck everyone. We can do this!


And don’t forget, if there’s anything we can help with just ping us an email at hello@adventuregraphics or call us on 0121 354 1010. Unfortuately you can’t drop into see us at Station House, Midland Drive, Sutton Coldfield but we are still here if you need us! Take care.

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