5 Reasons A Website Blog Is Useful

Why are website blogs useful?

A blog on your website is now a vital part of many businesses online marketing strategy. 


A way to share content (and get others to share for free!), interact with your customers and promote brand messages,  in 2020 a blog  really makes good business sense!


So why is having a blog on your website so useful?


1. Enhances SEO

Hubspot estimates that a blog can attract up to 97% more backlinks from other sites than those that don’t. (check out our backlink blog for more info.) It’s also really useful because Google likes sites that add extra and new content. It gives you brownie points so to speak when it comes to organic search results and lets you really hone in on those ‘long-tailed’ keywords eg Why do I Need a Blog?!


2. Keeps it Current

What do you think if you visit a website that hasn’t had a post since 2017 or has out of date information/stats on it? Normally, you wouldn’t be that impressed and it is things like this can cause you to lose visitors before you’ve even had  a chance to tell them what you do. A consistent, up to date blog projects a pro-active, on the ball company  that has a good attention to detail and knows their stuff.


3. Builds Credibility

As well as demonstrating you are active and organised, a blog also demonstates your knowledge and understanding. It builds credibility and trust with the visitor. Blogs are a way of giving something for free to your target audience. It sells your expertise and customer service and as we mentioned in the intro, by encouraging others to share you are gaining invaluable, additional free marketing.


4. Boosts Social Media

A blog is perfect way to interact with your followers and most importantly, drive them to your website (it is estimated that nearly half of internet users read at least one blog per day). Not only are you boosting brand awareness but you are initiating conversations and offering  helpful information free of charge. These are all important factors customers consider when making their purhcasing decisions.


5. Stand Out & Connect!

A blog post could be the difference between you and a competitor. It could also be the way to connect, or re-connect, with your existing clients and reach out to new clients. Research suggests that 70% of users are more likely to make a purchase based on a blog or social media post. Without a doubt, blogs build trust with your audience. They are an investment but the rewards are there to be had.


We’re not sure if you know, but we actually provide a blog writing service? It’s actually something we incorporate into our Premium and Advanced WordPress Care Packages.


If you’d like to discuss how this could work for you get in touch today, we’d love to help you get a productive blog up and running!




For more information about how blogging can support your SEO this blog is useful (excuse the pun!!)


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